Midori Toda
11:00 to 18:30
(13:00~ on 17th / ~18:30 on 22th )
3-5-6 Ginza Chuou-ku Tokyo
104-0061, JAPAN
Inoue-shokai Bulding 3F (Matsuya-mae)
TEL 03-35612-1911
FAX 03-3562 1914
I was so impressed by the spring water, such pure water was springing endlessly from Mt. Fuji and that reminded me of the words of Jesus Christ.
If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water
– John 7-37,38
I drew this painting sincerely hoping that the living water flow out into the world and restore love and peace among them.